
Tropico 5 campaign guide - Changing The World

El Presidente needs guidance on how to overcome this campaign! I prepared detailed advice for you all on how to sort the missions in the Changing The World campaign.


Crosshair placement definitive guide for CS:GO, Fortnite, Overwatch, Apex Legends and others

Crosshair placement is one of the first techniques you should learn in CsGO or any First Person Shooter if you’re keen on climbing the ladder. Beginners tend to aim anywhere while not in a fight, then when the shooting starts they move the mouse to aim for the enemy and they die before pressing the trigger. This is where a good Crosshair placement technique becomes an obvious must. In this guide I will explain to you what is Crosshair placement, why is it important, how to do it correctly, how to apply it to various games and some advanced tips on how to improve in the use of this technique.


Age of Mythology EE maps detailed guide

Lunatic -a rank 1 AoM EE player- documented what's important about the various maps in AoM, he also has tips on how to play in all of them.


Tropico 5 Radio Quotes

Lulu Marie is the radio presenter in Tropico 5, she is also the owner of her own bar, the "Jolly Roger". While majority of players consider her utterly annoying, some find her amusing. Love her or not I collected all her quotes and here they are for you.


Pokemon Go PvP and team building guide

Pokemon Go finally has a ranked PvP, a system that is different from any of the original games, but nonetheless a decent player vs player experience. Niantic announced that it’s 2020 year resolution is to make PvP great, and with that in mind they released ‘Go Battle League’, which is a ranked system where you can battle with players all around the world. How to get better, build teams and climb up the ladder, I’ll tell you here.


Tropico 5 Economy: A helpful illustrated guide

Tropico 5 is a great game, a title where you get to be a dictator of your own small tropical country, but sometimes you don’t want only to be a cruel ruler. Sometimes you want to be a good president, a state head that provides both wealth and happiness to your citizens. Now for that you need a good economy, which often tanks for new players. I’ll guide you on how to make money in Tropico 5 in an easy and illustrated, yet complete way.