
Is the GTX 1650 super worth it?

GTX 1650 SUPER analysis, price-performance and comparison to other graphics cards. How does the GTX 1650 SUPER compare to other AMD and NVIDIA offerings? Does it run every game? We are going to respond with numbers, benchmarks and comparison tables.


Should I buy the GTX 1650?

After its predecesor, the GTX 1050, humongous success in previous years, one would expect that the GTX 1650 would follow through. This is not the case and here we will explain why with some benchmarks, numbers and comparisons.


Is the RX 570 good in 2020?

The RX 570 is a lower mid-range graphics card that came out in 2017. Back then it was good enough to play all demanding titles in 1080p and high presets. Nowadays the GPU still holds its ground. Let's take a look at how convenient it is to buy a RX 570 in 2020 by using some benchmarks and its price to performance ratio. Also we are going to compare it to the other options.


Cheap programming laptop guide

I will guide you on the minimum requirements for a programming laptop for any type of developing. Including game development, web development and mobile development. Then we'll go through very cheap laptop solutions for this end.


Streaming mic guide

I saw the necessity of a youtube channel for this website, that's why I ended up looking for microphones that work well while recording or streaming, I have summarized what I learned in an easy way to digest.


Spiders inside computer or laptop

Spiders inside computers are not as rare as you might think. They like warm and dark places. If you either wanna know what to do about it or just watch some images of spiders inside computers/laptops you came to the right place.