
What is Lane Priority and how to use it as a jungler

Lane priority is a basic to medium level concept you need to understand as a jungler. It will allow you to play correctly around your lanes and thus win more games.


Trump's executive order will not affect Riot, Epic or other Chinese gaming companies

Donald Trump executive order banning WeChat won't affect League of Legends, Fortnite or any Tencent owned games. For now.


Why is League of Legends so popular?

League of Legends popularity thorugh the years, statistics and viewership. The reasons why it is so high and the most played eSport. What is Riot doing right? What does League has that other games don't?


Nvidia GeForce Now: League of Legends performance

Nvidia GeForce Now is a cloud gaming service that lets you to play games on a powerful computers remotely, this allows your system to 'render' demanding games at high frame rates, which otherwise would be impossible with a lower end system. League of Legends is an option to stream even in Android devices, but concerns are raised about lag.