
Gaming for kids: Hasbro brings back the Tiger console, a 90's classic

Retro is at an all time high in gaming sales, examples of this are the NES devastating sales and that others came back too, such as the PlayStation Classic. Hasbro sems to know what to do, and that's why the has decided to bring back a 90's classic: one of the Tiger consoles.


Is the GTX 1050 still good in 2020?

The GTX 1050 is an entry level graphics card that came out back then in the dawn of times, or as other people call it, 2016. Back then it was good enough for playing every title at 1080p. Today some are totally dismisive of it's capabilities or as a cheap option. Let's take a look into which games can it play and what other options do we have.


Google v/s Turkey. Conflict between a huge tech company and a state

In the twentieth century sanctions between countries arose strongly. The solution to the disputes became sacntions instead of war. The United Stated of America resolved quite some conflicts this way. We've seen states sanctioning other states, this still happens, for example, The United States to Iran. We've also seen states sanctioning companies, such as USA to Huawei. But we have not seen before a country being sanctioned by a company, and evn more so, a big country being santioned by Google. This is the case with Turkey and Google.


XIAOMI MI10 and MI10 Pro: High end with Snapdragon 865, 180 MP camera and 50W fast charge

Xiaomi has oficially presented it's new high end devices: Xiaomi MI10 and Xiamo MI10 Pro. Untill now the high end of Xiaomi's 2020. On paper this smartphones are going for the Smartphone of the year.


Dad reflexes are a real thing and could help your gaming as a dad.

Being a parent implies a responsibility that gets the best of ourselves as is celebrated with video compilations, gifs, tags and memes talking about or depicting dads saving their offspring of domestic accidents or even dangerous situations. If you make a quick search you’ll find a lot more situations where the dad is the quick savior, this leads to the questions. Do dads have better reflexes? Dad reflexes are a real thing? Dads are good at gaming?


What is Vsync and should I have it on or off?

If you ever have entered an options menu in a video game then you probably have found the option “Vsync” or “Vertical sync” and you don’t know what to do about it, but it sounds cool so you turn it on, then your game lags so you turn it off.