Ragnarok Online is a mmo rpg that was announced in 2002 and still has a very active community in 2020. We are going to review Ragnarok online population numbers and the most active and updated servers to play it in both renewal and pre renewal.
Japan is one of the most versatile Civilizations. We will explain how to win a game of Civilization 6 as Japan. What are the civ's strenghts, strategies and win conditions.
Samsung's new SSD offers up to 8TB of storage for the first time. The 870 QVO is the next generation of Samsung SSDs. All about this new SSD and it's capabilities.
Intel will release a dedicated graphics card in 2020 and in doing so will join the competition against NVIDIA and AMD. How much will it cost and how it will perform is yet to be seen.
Winning Civilization VI on deity difficulty is a feat in itself. Deity difficulty makes it so the AI receives huge bonuses and therefore is way more agressive than you might be used to. Civilization VI's huge player base makes it so winning on Deity is only the first step to become an expert. Here we will teach you how to face this challenge. This is a complete step by step guide on how to win on deity difficulty in Civilization VI.
Civilization VI best starting location guide. Best yields and position to settle your first city in. I will thoroughly explain how to get a god-tier first city for your Civilization.