Pokemon GO will announce and give the details about Virtual Team Lounge at Pokemon GO Fest. Something that will allow players to have fun playing Pokemon GO from home.
YouTuber TechteamGB claims that MSI has tried to prevent it from posting a negative review of one of its laptops by bribing it with money. If true, this information again compromises the integrity of this company, which has already been called into question on numerous occasions by malpractices such as this.
Elon Musk expects sub 20 ms latencies for Starlink. Is it achievable and how does it compares to regular internet connection
JEDEC is the organization in charge of defining the standards of RAM memories. They were a little late but we finally have the official specifications for the new DDR5 SDRAM standard. A new standard that considerably improves some features compared to the current DDR4.
We are facing one of those rumors that border on fake on the one hand and that on the other have part of sense, enough to launch this article in reference to what we could expect from the new top-of-the-range GPU based on AMD based on RDNA2. The rumor spread earlier in the week and was rated by some people as fake, but the greater number of data contributed today gives it an interesting credibility step, will RDNA2 be 50% faster than RTX 2080 Ti?
Microsoft will launch its new Xbox Series X console this year (and most likely the one known as Xbox Series S or Lockhart), but at the same time that they open this door, they are going to close another. Thus, the company has officially announced the end of life (EOL) of its Xbox One X and Xbox One S Digital Edition consoles, which means that they will stop manufacturing them and very soon also sell them.