Apparently, Intel is preparing to launch the first laptops equipped with 8-core Intel Tiger Lake-H processors for the first quarter of 2021. This has been seen by the manufacturer Compal (OEM manufacturer of laptops from brands such as Acer) through a leaked corporate memo, and it is an important fact because they will be the first Intel processors based on 10nm lithography with more than 4 cores for the commercial sector.
Gaming notebook maker XMG has received confirmation from its original design manufacturer (ODM) that they are currently facing a severe shortage of supply for AMD Ryzen 4000H Renoir processors. The information has been confirmed directly with AMD, and the problem appears to be widespread and affecting the entire industry. What problems is AMD having in supplying processors?
Civilization VI Secret Societies is a game mode that came out with the Ethiopia Pack. It introduced the concept of Secret Societies in the form of governors whose promotions give us powerful bonuses, access to new buildings, units and improvements. We will focus on The owls of minerva strategies and perks.
Taking advantage of the fast charge included in current phones is an excellent idea if you need the mobile ASAP and there is no time to charge it, but reviving it daily with this charge ends up reducing the maximum capacity of the battery at a higher speed. It is not something that is normally noticed in the average life of a smartphone, but it ends up being key to the health of its main component, the battery. There are a number of ways to reduce fast charging to help reduce degradation.
Aya-Eve is the next 'pc gaming handheld'. Equipped with a Ryzen CPU and 16 GB of ram we have big expectations. Let's review it's price, release date and possible gaming performances.
League of Legends popularity thorugh the years, statistics and viewership. The reasons why it is so high and the most played eSport. What is Riot doing right? What does League has that other games don't?